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Food & Friends 5784

Join Food and Friends to connect with a small group (8-10 people) of Beth Shalom members during five monthly meetings on Sundays. Share a meal, along with studying a curriculum prepared by Rabbi Rose. This year, there will be both virtual and in-person groups, with in-person groups open only to those who are vaccinated and virtual groups open to everyone.

How it works:

  • You’ll let us know if you’re interested by signing up by October 10.
  • We’ll match you with others to form a group (8-10 people) that meets five times during the year.
  • We will provide the curriculum (topic below) for you to study in your groups.
  • This cycle’s dates: November 5, 2023, December 3, 2023, January 7, 2024, February 4, 2024, March 10, 2024
  • There is an $36 curriculum fee. If that is a barrier to your participation, please reduce or waive the fee when you register.

This year's curriculum: Exploring Traditional and Contemporary Torah Commentaries
The rabbis teach that the Torah has seventy faces, reminding us that there are many ways to explore, interpret, and understand the same text.  This year, each Food and Friends session will present both traditional and contemporary Torah commentaries that bring different lenses and methodologies to the weekly parsha.  Together, we will deepen our understanding of the Torah, our world, and ourselves by studying different orientations to the Torah text, including focuses on human psychology, midrash, mysticism, linguistics and grammar, rationalism, and halakhah (Jewish law).  Add your voice to the conversation by learning (and eating) with us!

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Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784