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About Us

Congregation Beth Shalom is a welcoming and inclusive shul in Seattle’s North End where people meet to find family, friendship, support and understanding.  We come to Beth Shalom for high quality and innovative life-long Jewish learning. We worship God within the framework of a Conservative, egalitarian community.  We integrate compassion and social justice throughout our congregational activities.  We cultivate a community which values diversity and engagement and nurtures ways to connect with each other.  We come to Beth Shalom to explore our Jewish heritage and our Jewish future.


Derech Eretz

Respect for People and Spaces:

  • The synagogue is a shomer Shabbat (Sabbath and holiday observant) environment.
  • Unplug on Shabbat! No electronics may be used anywhere in the building, or writing, cameras, cell phones, drawing, etc. from sundown Friday to nightfall Saturday and on religious holidays.
  • We treat holy spaces with decorum. We are quiet and respectful in the Sanctuary and Beit Midrash, keep holy books off of floors and wear appropriate head coverings. We return items that we’ve used to the place where we found them.
  • Outside behaviors such as running, throwing and kicking balls, using loud voices, etc. are welcome outside, with proper supervision but not inside the building.




  • We treat others kindly, safely, respectfully; the way we want to be treated.
  • We respect ourselves, other people, the synagogue, and the physical things in the synagogue.
  • Children are expected to be in a synagogue program or with a designated adult.
  • Children repeatedly not complying will be reunited with their parent/adult.

Guidelines for Post B’nai Mitzvah Teens:

Teens are expected to follow the above guidelines regarding respectful behavior. Teens are encouraged to attend services in the main sanctuary and/or an alternate designated program. Additionally, we have mitzvah opportunities for our teens, including helping in programs for younger children, assisting in the kitchen or working as a greeter. Teens, (just like adults) are expected to model derech eretz in all areas of the building. Teens who struggle with this responsibility will be guided toward a mitzvah opportunity or be asked to stay with their parents or other responsible adult.



  • We are proud of our kosher, peanut free synagogue with food practices that reflect our values.
  • Eating is a sacred act.
  • Shabbat lunches, and all meals, are served after public Motzi (blessing over bread) has been made.  Please wait until after the blessings over food before lining up to take food at our lunch buffet.
  • Snacks are available during services downstairs.
  • We are respectful of those preparing and serving meals and other diners.
  • We take only what we will eat; moderate portions, striving towards no waste, and ensuring that there is enough for everyone.
  • Meals are eaten upstairs; in the social hall, with overflow seating outside in the courtyard and in the rear of the sanctuary as needed.
  • We do not eat meals on the Bima.
  • We clean up after ourselves.
  • Parents/Guardians are responsible for their kids’ knowledge of and compliance with these practices.

Additionally, during Tuesday and Sunday Prozdor/Religious School:

  • Students stay with CBS staff in programs.
  • We are all mindful of work happening in the offices during religious school hours.
  • Parent/guardian checks in with Education Director when a student is arriving late or leaving early.
  • Personal snacks brought from outside of synagogue must be dairy/vegetarian and peanut free, must be kept in students’ bag/backpack, and may not be shared.  These personal snacks may not be brought into the kitchen or sanctuary or social hall.
Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785