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Purim Carnival-, Sunday, March 9th, 11:30am-12:30pm 
Sneak Peek for young families and anyone sensitive to noise and crowds 11-11:30am 

Join us for our annual Purim Carnival! Religious school students will join with their classes and we hope to see lots of day school families, young families, and more folks joining us as well. Exciting themed booths, snacks, and activities will be in the CBS Social Hall and on the Social Hall Patio.  Don’t forget to come in costume.  Register here.

USYers Run Booths at the CBS Purim Carnival
Followed by a Special Teen Only Lunch 

Sunday, March 9th 10:30-1:30pm 

CBS 8th-12th graders (including ozerim and USYers) are invited to volunteer at our Purim Carnival to help with setup, run booths, and serve delicious treats. As a thank you for volunteering, teens are invited to stay after the carnival for a special Purim lunch just for them. Contact Rachel Wachtel with any questions.  Register here

Purim Edition of the North Seattle Tot Shabbat featuring Eli Rosenblatt
Friday, March 7th, 10:00-10:45am,  at Congregation Beth Shalom

North Seattle Tot Shabbat is back! Welcome Shabbat with singing, dancing, friends and fun at our monthly program (ages 0-5) in North Seattle presented by Stroum Jewish Community Center, Congregation Beth Shalom, PJ Library, and the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle.  

Find the schedule for other Tot Shabbat programs here.  

Erev Purim

Erev Purim, Thursday, March 13 (in person and on livestream)
6:45pm Doors Open
7:00pm "The Wizard of Maariv" 
8:15pm Megillah Reading and Snacks
9:15pm Dancing and Snacks

Nonmembers - our Purim events are open to the public, but for security purposes we invite you to register in advance so that we know to expect you.

Unable to attend services in person?
If you are CBS member, please log in to your Shulcloud account to view the link below. Not yet a member?  Reach out to us at


Join us for our Purim Day Megillah Reading at the morning minyan, 7am on Friday, March 14th.

Mishloach Manot

Sending food gifts to friends and family—is one of the four mitzvot performed on Purim. Congregation Beth Shalom is hosting a community-wide Mishloach Manot project again this year. For just $5.00 per recipient, you can participate in the sending of a beautiful gift basket to anyone on our membership list. Every family on the list will receive one gift package, along with a Purim card that lists all the people who participated in their package. It's a mitzvah, it’s great fun and is an easy way to support CBS! How do you order? Make sure you're logged into your Beth Shalom account, and go to our Mishloach Manot page.  

Do you have questions? Contact Lauren Fellows. Ordering closes Monday, March 3 at 9pm.     

Getting Your Purim Gift

Every Beth Shalom member can receive a Purim gift (a tzedakah box full of treats). If you would like one, there will be different opportunities to pick up your gift:

  • Sunday, 3/9, 11:30am-12:30pm at our Purim Carnival (for families)
  • Monday, 3/10 – Friday, 3/14, during office hours (M-Th 9am-5pm, F 9am-2pm)
  • Tuesday, 3/11, 6:30-7:00pm at Religious School pick-up
  • Wednesday, 3/12, 7pm at Adult Learning
  • Thursday, 3/13, 6:45-9:30pm at Erev Purim
  • Friday, 3/14, 7am at morning minyan and megillah reading
  • Monday, 3/17 – Friday, 3/21, during office hours (M-Th 9am-5pm, F 9am-2pm)

Don't want your gift? No action is required on your part. Gifts will not be delivered this year.

Matanot L'Evyonim

In addition to mishloach manot (sending gifts of food to each other), another Purim mitzvah is matanot l’evyonim (giving gifts to the poor). In observance of this mitzvah, our social action committee is collecting funds to distribute to our community partners who combat food insecurity. Funds will provide a meal to people in need on Purim Day. If you would like to fulfill the mitzvah of matanot l’evyonim in this way, please consider donating when you're on our Mishloach Manot page.


Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785